The kennel “Legendorf “ was founded in 2009. We had 16 litters of German Pinschers since. We were the first kennel in Russia who required health tests for breeding admission. Every dog of the kennel is tested vWD, Dilute , dysplasia and their eyes are also checked. In the nearest future we plan to mandatory include a temperament test.
The first German pinscher in our kennel became Tim Spirit Zagadochnaya Zena
Zena’s titles: International Champion; Junior Champion of Russia; Champion of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Grand Champion of Russia , Ukraine, Belarus , Candidate in RFOSChampion, Candidate in RFLS Champion, RFSSChampion , OANKOO Champion .
A little later the German Pinscher kennel “Legendorf” brought two littermates:
Mary Ann ( Junior Champion of Russia , Champion of Russia, Champion of RFSS )
Magic the Best (Junior Champion of Belarus, Russia, Champion of Russia, Ukraine, RFLS, RFSS, RFOC, OANKOO, RKF, National Club Winner).
Some of Mary Ann’s kids and a male who was brought from Germany Goron vom Lotter Kreuz, have excellent results in shows -
Legendorf Zingard Zet- Best Junior at one of the largest exhibitions in Russia “Russia – 2012”. In 2013 Zingard Zet became a Club Champion.
His sister - Legendorf Zerinda Zolika becameBest Junior female of “Russia – 2012” . Today Zerinda Zolika has titles - Junior Champion of Russia and Champion of Russia.
Another littermate Legendorf Zerbina Zolda , performed at the World Championship in 2013, in Hungary in the intermediate class and got 1 exc , CAC . She also delighted us with performance at “Eurasia -1” in 2014 – she got the best bitch and got her second CACIB! Today Zosia’s titles are: Junior Champion of Russia , Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Russia, Champion of Hungary , Champion of Eurasia , RKF, Club Winner.
The second mating of Mary Ann was in Germany – the homeland of German Pinschers. Our elect became Gunnar v Klosterfels.
From this litter we would highlight the Junior Champion of Russia - Legendorf Regina Rhiannon- she got 1st place in the competition in obedience Rally, 1st place in the initial obedience, 2nd place in the dancing with dogs "White Nights” competition.
Magic’s and Goron’s daughter - Legendorf Lina Leona was taken to sunny Italy, to Alto Fondale kennel.
Magic the Best went to Germany to get married her second mate Nero vom Unteren Niederhein. Their son Legendorf Pavlus Punsh performs in shows actively - Junior National Club Winner, at “Eurasia -1” he got 2 excellent, RCAC.
Another female breeder of the kennel Legendorf –Sunny Monkey Zavetnaya Mechta (Champion of Russia, RFLS, RKF, Candidate for NCW Champion). She gave two litters of German pinschers in the kennel. Her daughter from Goron Vom Lotter Kreuz –Legendorf Norda Norgina became Junior Champion of Russia in 2012, Vice Junior World Champion in 2013 and got first mating with a foreign male Lexantos A’Doro. We have great expectations from the Y-litter.
Norgina’s littermate – Legendorf Nereida Neso -is now 2 years old and have become a Champion of several countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, RKF Champion and has 3-CACIB. She got 2-nd place in coursing “Speedy non greyhounds”. In 2014 Nera became mom for the first time. Her mate German pinscher was brought from Poland to Russia.
Also among pups of Zavetnaya Mechta we’d like to highlight Junior Champion of Russia Legendorf Norman Neuer.
And puppies from double-litter - Legendorg Torun - in 2014 he became Best Junior male in “Eurasia-2” the biggest international dog show.
His littermate Legendorf Taigetta - by one year of age became Junior Champion of Russia, Estonia and Latvia.
We try to bring in new blood and improve the breed. For this we not only arrange international mating of our dogs but also bring new breeding males and females.
In 2011 we brought from Germany a female for Legendorf kennel - Dark Angels Runika, and in 2013 she became a World Champion .
Today she has titles: Junior Champion of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania; Champion of Russia, Lithuania, Hungary, Eurasia, Champion RFSS , Champion of RKF, National Club Champion , 4 -CACIB, BOB -6.
First time Runika became a mother in 2012. Many of her puppies from German male Gogon vom Lotter Kreuz, actively and successfully perform in shows:Junior Champion of Russia - Legendorf Sylvia Sandora – in the dog show Eurasia-1 2014 became one of BJ females , and Eurasia 2 – BJ of Breed.
Her sister Legendorf Sabina Sorel - Junior Champion of Russia, got BOB from the GP breeder judge from Germany going her father better!!!
Legendorf Sansa Sakura is actively exhibiting, she needs to get the last JCAC to close her first title.
Legendorf Saritta went to far Norway and actively took part in local dog shows.
Legendorf Superb Style now lives in Sweden, in Hickson kennel, and surely we will hear about him time and again.
In the autumn 2012 another dog joined our kennel, this time from Sweden -Hickson Ludwina Lovebug. Today she has titles: Junior Champion of Russia , Belarus, Ukraine; Champion of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus , RFLS and 2 -CACIB. In 2013, Lyudvina and imported male from Poland Fly'Force Star of Elune got a litter. A girl from this litter Legendorf Flora Fiona went to England, in Aritaur kennel.